The 8th Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC) provides an international technical forum for experts
from industry and academia, especially aiming at addressing issues pertinent to the Asia and Pacific
region with vast diversities of socio-economic and networking conditions while inviting high quality and
recent research results from the global Internet research community. AINTEC 2012 follows the seven
successful editions held in Thailand.
The conference is single-track and features a technical program with significant opportunities for individual
and small-group discussions among a diverse set of participants. The technical sessions will include invited talks by leading experts, presentations of papers, demos, posters, pre-conference activity ( 23rd Asian School on Computer Science on 13 November, 2012 ).

Funding for Travel Support is currently available for students who will be presenting papers at the Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC) 2012.
The Travel Support will cover cheapest economy airfare and accommodation during the conference.
Please contact
ThaiREN (Thai Research and Education Network) provides financial support for Thai graduate students and researchers to attend the 23rd Asian School and AINTEC 2012. Please contact Dr. Panjai Tantatsanawong at
AINTEC 2012 solicits high quality papers that improve
digital communications in diverse situations including,
but not limited to:
- Future Internet architectures and technologies
- Networking technologies in developing regions
- Internet measurement, analysis and modeling
- Disaster networking, including experience with
- earthquakes and tsunamis
- Sensor networking and applications
- Wireless, mobile and ad hoc networks
- Delay and disruption tolerant networks
- Location management and positioning
- Peer-to-peer and overlay networks
- Multimedia systems and applications
- Network operations and management
- Quantum networking
- Social networks
- Network security
Submissions must be original, unpublished, and not
have been submitted to another conference or journal
for publication. Papers must be submitted in
electronic format following the instructions
provided on the AINTEC web site and must be less
than 8 pages in the 10pts "SIGCOMM format".
AINTEC'2012 proceedings will be included in the ACM
Digital Library. Submission of a paper implies that
should the paper be accepted for publication in the
conference proceedings, at least one of the authors
will register and present the paper in the
** Important note**: Authors of accepted papers must pay for their registration on or before the camera ready version deadline.
Important Dates:
Abstract registration |
: July 13, 2012 |
Full paper submission |
: July 20, 2012 |
Acceptance notification |
: September 21, 2012 (UTC/GMT) |
Submission of Camera-ready |
: October 10, 2012 (UTC/GMT) |
Conference Registration |
: October 20, 2012 |
Conf. Grant Notification |
: October 31, 2012
Conference |
: November 14-16, 2012 |
Scientific Advisory Committee:
Erol Gelenbe, Imperial College, UK
Jun Murai, WIDE Project and Keio University, Japan
Keith W. Ross, Polytechnic Institute of NYU, USA
Randy Bush, Internet Initiative Japan Inc., USA
Surasak Sang-uanpong, APAN-TH, Thailand
Steering Commitee:
Aruna Seneviratne, NICTA, Australia
Jens Schmitt, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
Kanchana Kanchanasut, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
Kenjiro Cho, IIJ and WIDE Project, Japan
Martin May, Technicolor, France
Philippe Jacquet, INRIA, France
Serge Fdida, UPMC, France
General Chair:
Kanchana Kanchanasut, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
Sukumal Kitisin, Kasetsart University, Thailand
Program Committee Co-Chairs:
Keith W. Ross,Polytechnic Institute of NYU, USA
Marcelo Dias Amorim, LIP6, UPMC, France
Rodney Van Meter, WIDE Project, Keio University, Japan
Program Committee:
Apinun Tunpan, AIT, Thailand
Cedric Adjih, INRIA, France
Chakchai So-In, Khon Kaen University, Thailand
Claude Chaudet, Telecom ParisTech, France
Dario Rossi, Telecom ParisTech, France
Don Towsley, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
Eueung Mulyana, ITB, Indonesia
Giovanni Pau, UCLA, USA
Gustavo Marfia, University of Bologna, Italy
Huang Xiaohong, BUPT, China
Ivan Seskar, Rutgers University, USA
Jennifer Rexford, Princeton University, USA
Jens Schmitt, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
Joe Touch, USC/ISI, USA
Jun Bi, Tsinghua University, China
Kazuya Tsukamoto, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
Kenjiro Cho, IIJ and WIDE Project, Japan
Kensuke Fukuda, NII and WIDE Project, Japan
Laurent Mathy, University of Liége, Belgium
Lixia Zhang, UCLA, USA
Luigi Iannone, Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, Germany
Mario Gerla, UCLA, USA
Martin May, Technicolor, France
Nick Feamster, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Panita Pongpaibool, NECTEC, Thailand
Rui Aguiar, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Randy Bush, IIJ, Japan
Serge Fdida, UPMC, France
Y. C. Tay, NUS, Singapore
Yacine Ghamri-Doudane, ENSIIE & Université Paris-Est (LIGM Lab), France
Yasuhiro Ohara, UC Santa Cruz, USA
Yasuo Tsuchimoto, U. Tokyo, Japan
Publicity Committee:
Vasaka Visoottiviseth, Mahidol University, Thailand
Local Organizers:
Rey Padilla, AIT, Thailand
Sweet Mae Monteclaro, AIT, Thailand