Internet over
Satellite Communication | |
Broadcasting over Unidirectional Satellite Link
IP Packet Loss and
Recovery over Unidirectional Satellite Network
Unidirectional satellite communications becomes much
popular because of wide geographic coverage,
multicasting features. These features support
several one-to-many applications where asymmetric
connection is sufficient. At the same time,
satellite communications have some disadvantages
like inherent noise in the channel or high loss rate
because of some weather condition like rain, fog
etc. Several multicast transport protocols have been
proposed to these applications for UDL where
reliability is maintained by a narrow backchannel.
Much less works have been devoted to maintain
reliability in UDL without backchannel where many
receivers are concerned. In this situation, it
becomes very much necessary to study about the
packet loss patterns in different satellite
receivers and how efficiently the packets can be
recovered among recipients without contacting to the
sender. In this study, a detailed analysis of
multicast packet loss patterns is shown with
experiments in a real satellite network test bed. An
analysis for average number of packet loss by many
receivers is also shown those can be recovered by
the receivers communicating among themselves without
requesting for the lost packets back to the sender.
A simple bitmap data structure (fingerprint) named
Mixed-PEDbit is designed for the receivers as if
they can exchange the packet information (received
or lost) with other receivers (peers) with reduced
communication. Additionally, a recovery framework is
recommended to apply these bitmap data structures.
Multicast Push Cashing System
The World Wide Web (WWW) continues to grow at an
exponential rate, leading to the problems of access
latency and overloaded servers. The distributed
cooperative caching concept is applied throughout
the Internet community to reduce bandwidth usage,
improve web server availability and improve user
access latency. The distributed cooperative caching
system is a group of web caches sharing their
contents and workloads. However, cache consistency
could not be satisfactorily manageable. Some cached
objects are not up-to-date, thus they could not
serve user requests immediately. Multicast push
technology is proposed to improve the quality of web
caching system. WWW documents are continuously
delivered to all member caches by reliable multicast
transmission. Analysis of user access patterns is
designed to accurately predict the objects which are
going to be referenced in the future. Concerning
bandwidth optimization, caches are designed to
dynamically subscribe and unsubscribe to the push
operation depending on their interests. Experimental
results obtained from this study demonstrate that
the multicast push caching system improves the
performance of the original cache system. Extra
bandwidth usage is spent on data distribution to
update cached contents. The proposed system can
effectively support the scalability of the
cooperative caching sytem because the data
distribution is based on multicast technology which
provides optimal bandwidth usage.
Scheduling Mechanism
for Multicast Transmission in WWW Caching System
A system of distributed cache servers
connected together hierarchically has been widely
adopted in practice today. At the top of the
hierarchy, a large cache server called hub cache
retrieves information from the original source or
from some other high-speed caches to feed a
community of somewhat smaller children, here
referred to as rim cache. Normally, the rim cache
sends WWW document requests to its parent hub cache.
The hub cache retrieves the requested WWW document
from its own cache or from the original WWW server
and then sends the requested documents to the
requesting rim caches. To enhance the cache
performance by distributing WWW objects among the
member caches, we propose to add a new feature where
the hub cache multicasts popular WWW document
obtained to all connecting rim caches regularly, so
replicated copies are kept on the member rim caches.
In other words, the hub cache pushes popular
documents to all members while less popular
documents are fetched from the hub cache by the rim
caches upon demand (pull). Replicated objects are
thus kept closer to the clients improving the cache
hit rates and reducing the WWW access time at the
clients. To multicast web objects continuously over
the network, one is risking the fact that
multicasting packets could easily flood the network.
Thus a scheduling mechanism is required to manage
the multicasting process taking into consideration
the error control, the bandwidth consumption,
traffic congestion control and the scope of the
multicast transmission from hub cache to all
connecting rim caches. In this thesis, an adaptive
sender based approach is proposed and implemented.
Experimental results have confirmed that this
approach significantly improves the transmission
time, consumes low and static bandwidth consumption,
as well as has low retransmission ratio.
Multicast over Unidirectional Satellite Link
Packet Delivery
Scheduling for Reliable Multicasting over
Unidirectional Link
Reliable Multicast is encountered in many applications
where there is a need to disseminate information to
a large user community in a wireless asymmetric
communication environment. To utilize the
transmission media effectively, it is necessary to
have efficient scheduling algorithms that can
balance individual and overall performance, and also
can scale in terms of client population and
transmission bandwidth. This paper considers the
problem of multicasting over unidirectional links
that did not provide any feedback channel. The way
to provide the reliability mechanism is to transmit
data consecutively until the end of available time
period. This study proposed Multi-level Queue for
the scheduling algorithm and separated each data by
the priority. The scheduling used the scheduling
pattern to control data transmission of each queue.
Finally, the experiments had been conducted to
demonstrate the achievable performance of the
transmission scheduling. It was found that the
performance of the scheduling depends on many
factors such as scheduling pattern, available
network bandwidth, etc. The main factor is
configuring of the transmission parameters to match
with the system bandwidth. The inaccurate
configuration can lead to the congestion problem and
diminish the overall performance.
Flow Control for
Reliable Multicast over Unidirectional Links
This study designs and implements
flow control mechanism for reliable multicast over
unidirectional link. The current reliable multicast
protocols are not designed for asymmetric bandwidth
network, such as unidirectional link, which causes
the congestion at the return path. The study
therefore proposes the RMU (Reliable Multicast for
Unidirectional Link), which is based on the
sender-based approach, to provide the reliable bulk
data transfer in the multicast environment over
unidirectional links. The sender sends monitoring
packets in order to monitor the network or receiver
status and adjusts the transmission rates using the
receivers reception results. To improve the
bandwidth consumption, the RMU uses the selective
repeat approach, which retransmits only the lost
packets. Furthermore, the feedback implosion problem
can be solved by the backoff and polling mechanism.
Scalability Analysis Of
Reliable Multicast Protocol For A Unidirectional
Satellite Link
The development of a category of applications that
simultaneously connect different users scattered
over different locations has fostered a new kind of
transport protocols: reliable multicast protocol.
Satellite links have been viewed as the potential
media for broadcast and multicast communication and
are utilized to transmit application data to
multiple users simultaneously over very large
geographical area. Reliable Multicast protocol for
Unidirectional Satellite link (RMUS) is a transport
protocol which ensures reliable data transmission to
many users and is designed for utilizing
unidirectional satellite links. Scalability of
reliable multicast protocol is one important
criterion that needs to be studied to foresee the
performance of the protocol under the pressure of a
large number of users. The thesis is aimed at
studying the scalability of RMUS. The protocol has
been modeled using simulation and the performance
data is analyzed to apprehend an insight of the RMUS
protocol. Simulation data shows that the implosion
phenomenon leads to the increase in the transmission
delay and the decline of throughput. Other
performance figures such as packet latency and
overhead are also impacted. The impact of a large
population of users on RMUS with various timeout
intervals is investigated where it was found that in
order to accommodate larger groups of receivers the
timeout setting should be enlarged. A method to
compute the minimum backoff interval that is used in
setting RMUS timeout is proposed. To keep the
protocol intact the method figures out the backoff
interval for a multicast network including the
scenarios chosen for running RMUS. The injected flow
of acknowledgement packets through the Internet is
simulated to investigate the impact of backoff
interval and traffic on the drop of ACK packets. The
minimum backoff is large but it still needs to be
increase in the presence of traffic. The loss of ACK
packets on the return path to the server leads to
the false alarm of the congestion on the satellite
link. The adjustment of backoff to increase ACK
received by the server can lead to more realistic
feedback on the network condition.
Reliable Content
Delivery over Unidirectional Link using IP Datagrams
Sending and receiving data over
Unidirectional Link provide an alternative choice of
delivery. With this architecture, we can send data
to any places where there exists a satellite or
radio signal. Since unidirectional link do not have
any feedback from receiver, there is no mechanism to
ensure reliability of data delivery. This thesis
applies a more reliable delivery approach in
unidirectional link by using duplication technique.
Receiver is guaranteed to reassembly all data
packets to get the original data set even if data
packets had boisterous arrived to receivers.
Experiments were setup in different environment to
measure receiving capability and efficiency in
restoring original data set. Experiment results in
this study have exposed that; data delivery over
unidirectional link could be completely received
within an appropriate time if packet loss rate is
low. It was found that bandwidth and speed of CPU is
significant impact to the performance of the
application. In case that bandwidth was not enough,
packet lost will immediately occurred because some
data packets have to be discarded. Speed of CPU was
another reason of data lost; if receiver spent too
much time for reassembling data packet, then
receiver would miss the following data packet.
Wireless Unidirectional
With a tremendous growth of interest to
access the Internet via mobile devices, Wireless
Application Protocol (WAP), has been introduced as a
bridge to connect between mobile Network and the
Internet world. With the current WAP technology, a
WAP gateway is employed to translate data between
regular mobile packet to the Internet protocol. If
millions of users of the mobile network are moving
to the Internet technology, WAP gateway can easily
become overloaded. As a result, this thesis proposes
to deploy the concept of unidirectional traffic for
mobile web access with multiple WAP gateways. With
the new system, the return packets from the web
server do not have to be channelled through the same
WAP gateway. Improvement on average response time
per each client s request was observed in the new
system. The number of gateways has been shown to
effect the average response time and the new system
dramatically improves the overall performance in
case of large number of hops.
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Mobile Ad Hoc and
Emergency Network | |
Selection Based On Gateway Load In Ad Hoc
Infrastructured Environment
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks are
standalone networks that are combined with the fixed
infrastructure network to create an Ad Hoc/Infrastructured
environment. This environment consists of multiple
gateways that act as entry/exit points for the
traffic flowing between the MANET and fixed
infrastructure network. As, there are multiple
gateways, therefore, there is an option to select
one of the gateway from all the available gateways
based on some criterion. This research proposes a
solution other than hop count to select multiple
gateways in such an environment. The proposed
solution considers the load on the gateway as the
criterion for selection in which the gateway with
lighter load gets to be selected. Furthermore, it is
compared with the hop count variation based on the
mobility in the Mobile Ad Hoc Network. The results
show that the proposed solution performs better as
compared to the hop count variation in terms of
average end-to-end delay but suffers in case of the
number of packets delivered to the destination as
the protocol overhead for the proposed scheme is
Practical Approach Towards Server-Less Group Member
Authentication Protocol For A Mobile Ad Hoc Network
A wireless mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a
collection of wireless mobile nodes dynamically
forming a temporary network, without the use of
fixed infrastructure. Zero setup cost and dynamic
topology of MANET makes it an attractive choice for
group-oriented applications. But many limitations
such as lack of infrastructure, less bandwidth and
memory, wireless link, noise, etc. in mobile ad hoc
networks impede the usual deployment of traditional
security infrastructure. Moreover, according to the
characteristics of transiently associated network,
security incident in MANET mainly binds to group
communication. To address these problems, in this
thesis, we have designed a protocol for secure group
communication in MANET. Our protocol feasibly works
in a server-less environment and provides a
distributed lightweight authentication mechanism for
instantaneous deployment. Its core technique
consists of zero knowledge proof and threshold
Implementation of Wireless Internet Sharing Plug-in
for OLSR
In an office or campus environment, a very
common method of connecting computers together is
the IEEE 802.11 b/g family, with base stations, and
hosts connect in managed mode. This is an
infrastructured approach, with certain limitations.
Tests performed in the testbed show that the
coverage area of the base station is limited, and
certain areas of the test bed are not covered by the
base station. Depending on the location the actual
bandwidth varies a great deal and the diversity of
the delay will be significant. An alternative to the
infrastructured approach is the ad-hoc approach,
where the Mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is a widely
used version of the ad-hoc family. MANETs are
usually either not connected to the Internet, or
connected by a wired service. To increase the
coverage area of the managed mode base station, this
thesis merges the two styles of wireless networks,
in order to draw on the strengths of both styles.
The wireless Internet connection of the managed mode
network, and the packet forwarding of the MANET
combined in one host . A laptop with two wireless
network cards is running OLSRd with the new Wireless
Internet Sharing Plug-in (WISP). One of the network
cards is connected to the base station, in the
managed mode, the other cards is connected to the
MANET in the ad-hoc mode. The WISP router can then
share its connection to the Internet with the rest
of the MANET. The MANET includes packet forwarding,
so that the Internet can be forwarded in multiple
hops in the MANET. This thesis tested three
different modes, the Managed mode, the WISP ad-hoc
mode, and a pure OLSRd wired sharing ad-hoc mode.
Running three modes of tests enables the thesis to
compare the results of the infrastructured managed
mode network to the MANET OLSR WISP implementation,
as well as a pure OLSR MANET with a host connected
to the internet through the LAN. These tests show
that the merging of the MANET and the
Infrastructured mode can increase the coverage area
by more than 100%. The bandwidth of this mode is
lower than the managed mode in most locations, but
the bandwidth is stable over the whole network,
including sites that were outside the coverage are
of the managed mode. The delay of the WISP network
is slightly higher than the managed mode, but is
very stable and shows no locations with very high
delay as can be shown in the Managed mode.
Mobile IPv6 for Real-Time Streaming Media
Mobile IPv6 provides
IP layer mobility management for IPv6 networks.
Despite many advantages it offers in comparison to
Mobile IPv4, handover management still remains an
issue for Mobile IPv6. For real-time connections,
the handover latency and signaling overhead incurred
by the protocol may become significant. This
research presents a new method named Cross-over
MAP based Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 (XMAP-HMIPv6)
which inherits the advantage of Hierarchical Mobile
IPv6 of reducing signaling load for inter-domain
mobility. We incorporate an analytical model for the
performance analysis of this new scheme along with
some existing handover management proposals. Based
on this analytical model, we formulate handover
latency and signaling overhead costs as evaluation
metrics. Finally, we present analytical results in
different environments and compare our protocol with
the other existing proposals. The analytical model
results show that, our scheme performs almost
similar to [F+H]MIPv6 in terms of reducing handover
latency and outperforms both HMIPv6 and MIPv6.
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